What Is A Click Funnel & How To Make One With Email?

What Is A Click Funnel & How To Make One With Email?

What is a Click Funnel? 

Imagine you're at a large amusement park. At the entrance, there's a bright, welcoming sign that attracts many people. This entrance is like the top of the click funnel, where a broad audience is exposed to a brand or product.

As you walk further into the park, you see various attractions, games, and rides. Some people will stop and try them out, while others will walk past.

This is the middle of the funnel, where potential customers engage more deeply with the brand, perhaps by reading content, signing up for newsletters, or watching product videos.

Finally, as you approach the end of the park, there's a wild-looking roller coaster that a crowd has been waiting for. Only those who are truly interested and committed will get in line and eventually take the ride.

This is the bottom of the funnel, where the most engaged individuals make a purchase or take a desired action.

In this analogy:

  • The entrance of the park is the initial email, advertisement, or landing page.

  • The various attractions represent different touchpoints or engagements with potential customers.

  • The roller coaster represents the final conversion goal, be it a sale, a sign-up, or another desired action.

Just as not everyone who enters the amusement park will ride the roller coaster, not everyone who enters a click funnel will reach the end. The goal is to design the journey (or funnel) in such a way that as many people as possible are guided towards that final, desired action.

As you read further, I’ll walk you through what a click funnel is and how it differs from your traditional sales process and marketing funnel (yup, there's a difference!).

Also, to clarify, this article is not related to the funnel-building software, "ClickFunnels", but deals rather with a key content design principle that every email marketer should incorporate.

Before we begin, consider these essential email marketing statics.

The following chart displays the effectiveness of email campaigns last year (2022), illustrating metrics such as open rate, click-through rate, click-to-open rate, unsubscribe rate, and bounce rate, all shown as percentages of the total number of emails sent.

email engagement metrics graph for 2022

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For some solid tips on setting up an email click funnel, watch the following video by OptinMonster.

Importance of click funnels in digital marketing

Streamlined user experience

Crafting an email click funnel is like charting a guided journey for your audience. You define the destination, and the funnel paves the way.

Targeted engagement

While traditional email marketing can sometimes feel like broadcasting a message into the void, email click funnels offer a laser-focused dialogue with your audience. It's a tailored experience, ensuring each potential customer is guided through a curated buying process.

Insightful journey tracking

Email click funnels allow you to note every move of your customer. It reveals where they linger, what piques their interest, and at which point they might opt out. This granular perspective on their experience provides invaluable data to refine your strategies.

Always-on sales strategy

Email click funnels are relentless sales advocates. They operate round the clock, ensuring that while you might be off the grid, your marketing efforts aren't. They continuously engage, guide, and convert potential customers.

Personalized touchpoints

Unlike the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional email campaigns, email click funnels feel like a bespoke suit. Each interaction is tailored, ensuring the recipient feels acknowledged and valued, enhancing the likelihood of conversion.

Adaptable framework

Regardless of what you're offering—be it a service, product, or educational content—these funnels can be molded to fit the unique contours of your business model.

Direct feedback loop

Email click funnels not only guide but also listen. They are instrumental in gathering direct feedback from your audience. This continuous feedback mechanism ensures you're always in tune with your customers' evolving preferences, ready to adapt and serve better.

Creating a click funnel using email

With some strategic planning, you can build a pathway that captures leads and turns them into loyal customers.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Segment your audience

Your product or service won't be one-size-fits-all. Know your audience, understand their needs, and create tailored content for each segment of your audience.

2. Create engaging content templates

While you can certainly find templates on the web, why not go the extra mile? Find or design unique templates that resonate with your brand—no drag-and-drop templates here—only authentic connections that make your brand feel different.

3. Automate the process

Tools like MTG offer automation, meaning the system takes care of the rest once you set it up. It's like hiring a virtual assistant to send out timed sequences in response to reader actions down the funnel's course.

4. Analyze and optimize

Don't just sit and forget, even though automation does make that possible. Regularly check your advanced traffic analytics to see what's working and what's not. This is the major secret of a successful online business.

5. Use tools like MTG, canva, and chatGPT

These powerful tools are your allies in creating a funnel that works. From automation to design, these integrated tools make the process a breeze.

Whether you're an online entrepreneur or a professional service provider, click funnels are your ticket to a successful online presence. It's about selling and building relationships; one email at a time.

As a side note, consider the following graph as it illustrates the effectiveness of email marketing strategies against popular social media marketing. The figures may surprise you.

channel comparison for customer acquisition graph

Example of an email click funnel: a marketing/transactional email sequence for a digital photography course

woman taking a photograph

Lead magnet

A lead magnet is more than a flashy term for small businesses, especially in creative fields like digital photography. It's a golden ticket to capture more prospects. Offer something valuable, like a free photography tips eBook, and watch your leads multiply.

photography course lead magnet

Welcome email

Your welcome email is the virtual handshake. It's the first touchpoint in the funnel, where you introduce your business and thank them for subscribing. Include valuable content, like a sneak peek into the course, to start the relationship on the right foot.

photography course welcome email

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Nurture sequence

This is where you gently guide your prospects down the funnel, showing them the beauty of your digital photography course. Share engaging stories, student testimonials, or fun behind-the-scenes snippets. Think of this as a friendly chat over coffee sprinkled with sales tactics.

photography course nurture sequence

Special offer

Time to dazzle them with a special offer! This is where the one-funnel approach shines. Tailor the offer to their needs, whether it's a discounted course for beginners or an advanced masterclass. This funnel type is designed to enhance conversion rates.

photography course special offer


Still, waiting for a response? Don't fret; a follow-up is like a friendly nudge. Address any concerns, offer additional insights, and remind them why your course is the best. It's a mix of customer service and sales pitch, all wrapped in one.

photography course follow up email

Thank you email

Sealed the deal? Awesome! Now, thank them sincerely and provide the next steps. Include payment system details, course access, and anything else they need to know. This isn't just a transaction; it's the beginning of a valuable relationship.

photography course thank you email

What is the difference between a sales funnel and a click funnel?

Sales funnel

A sales funnel represents the entire journey that a prospective customer takes, from first learning about a product or service to making a purchase. It's often visualized as a funnel with different stages, starting broad at the top and narrowing down as the customer progresses.

The stages of a typical sales funnel include:

  • Awareness: Prospective customers become aware of the business, product, or service.

  • Interest: They show interest in what's being offered and begin researching and exploring.

  • Consideration: Prospects are actively considering the product and evaluating options.

  • Intent: They show a strong intent to purchase.

  • Evaluation: They compare offers from different vendors or consider various options.

  • Purchase: They make the purchase.

Sales funnels can include various channels, such as advertising, email marketing, social media, and more. It's a broad approach to guiding customers through their buying journey.

Click Funnel

On the other hand, a click funnel is a more specific type of sales funnel often focused on online interactions. It's a sequence of online pages and actions designed to guide a visitor through a specific conversion event. This can include clicking a link, signing up for a newsletter, or purchasing online.

Click funnels often utilize targeted marketing techniques and a combination of landing pages, email marketing, and other digital tools to encourage a user to take a specific action. They are more focused on the user's online experience and interactions.

With that said, you're bound to find sales funnels frequently referred to as click funnels, and click funnels referred to as sales funnels on various sources around the web.

business owner tracking click funnel metrics

What is the difference between a website and a click funnel?

Picture a website as this big, welcoming open house. It's like your online storefront with a sign that says, "Come on in; we're open!" You've got all your products neatly arranged on shelves, and you might even have a corner where you share interesting articles and stories.

It's a comfortable place where people can stroll around and check out what you're offering. But here's the thing—it's a bit like a maze. People might wander around, get lost, or even walk out without finding what they were looking for.

Now, imagine a click funnel as a friendly personal shopper to guide your customers every step of the way. When someone walks in, they're there to show them the best deals, suggest what might suit them, and guide them straight to the checkout counter. It's a smooth, guided journey from the moment they step in until they make a purchase.

So how does this personal shopper click funnel work?

  • Landing Pages

It starts with a flashy entrance—your landing page. It's like a greeter at a fancy party, welcoming guests with a special offer or gift. In return, the guests provide their contact details (like email addresses), so you can stay in touch.

  • Sales Strategy

Once you have their contact details, your click funnel starts working its charm. It sends targeted emails or offers exclusive deals, just like a helpful salesperson showing off the latest collection and tempting customers with discounts.

  • Conversion

Ultimately, the click funnel guides your leads to a purchase or sign-up for a service – the end goal. It's like a personal shopper who's picked out the perfect outfit and walks you to the cash register to seal the deal.

  • Templates

There are numerous click funnel services online that offer ready-to-use templates for you to upload and use via Mailer To Go, so you can set up your own sales funnels without starting from scratch. It's like having a ready-made recipe for success.

A website is like an open house where customers can wander around, while a click funnel is like a guided shopping experience that leads them straight to the checkout counter. 

For online entrepreneurs, click funnels are the magic wand that turns casual visitors into loyal customers. It's all about making their journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible – one click at a time.

Wrapping Up

Alright, let's be real. The term "click funnels" might sound like something out of a techy sci-fi novel, but trust me, it's way more approachable than it sounds.

Your digital game plan will turn those casual browsers into loyal customers. Think of it as your business's way of rolling out the red carpet and saying, "Hey, we're here to guide you every step of the way."

Got an amazing art or photography course you're selling? Or perhaps you've got an innovative tech service or a clothing range that caters to atypical body types? Click funnels are your answer, no matter the nature of your business. They help you map out and customize every interaction your customers have with you, whether you're B2B or B2C.

Here's the coolest part: the process doesn't discriminate. Whether you're a seasoned online retailer or a small business owner selling handcrafted soap, they are your ticket to creating a tailored, engaging customer journey.

I know what you're thinking, "Sounds great, but how do I begin?" I got you. With tools like MTG's transactional email service, it's like having a digital expert on your team, helping you automate the process. You can reach more potential customers without spending hours manually sending out emails.

Remember, it's not just about making a sale. It's about creating a personalized journey that resonates with your customers. When they feel like you "get" them, they're more likely to become loyal fans of your brand.

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Frequently asked questions 

What exactly does a click funnel do?

A click funnel is a digital marketing strategy designed to guide potential customers through a series of steps, ultimately leading them to a conversion action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or registering for a webinar.

It's a way to optimize the online customer journey, ensuring that potential customers receive the right information at the right time to encourage them to take the desired action. click funnel sales funnels

What is an example of a click funnel?

Imagine you're selling a digital course on photography. A potential click funnel might start with a social media ad offering a free photography tip. Once a user clicks on the ad, they're taken to a landing page where they can sign up for a free eBook on photography basics.

After signing up, they receive a series of emails introducing them to the digital course, offering testimonials, and eventually presenting a limited-time offer to purchase the course. Each step is designed to build trust and move the potential customer closer to making a purchase.

What is the difference between a sales funnel and a click funnel?

While both sales funnels and click funnels aim to convert potential customers, the primary difference lies in their medium. A sales funnel can exist in various forms, both online and offline, such as a retail store layout or a telemarketing script.

On the other hand, a click funnel is specifically designed for online interactions, guiding users through web pages, emails, and online ads.

How does a click funnel differ from a website?

While a website serves as an online presence for a brand or business, providing a broad range of information, a click funnel is more focused. A click funnel is designed with a specific goal in mind, such as capturing leads or making sales, and guides visitors through a series of pre-determined steps to achieve that goal.

In contrast, a website might have various pages for different purposes, such as a blog, a product catalog, and a contact page, without a singular, focused path for visitors to follow.

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