How To Use ChatGPT For Email: Because You Can!

How To Use ChatGPT For Email: Because You Can!

Email communication has become a necessity in our lives—can we imagine life without it?

According to Statista, there are over 4.1 billion active email users worldwide, demonstrating the substantial reach of emails. Statista also predicts that by 2024, the daily volume of emails sent and received will rise to over 376 billion.

graph of emails sent globally

In 2023, transactional and marketing emails are key players in the customer's journey. Crafting emails that impact the user's perception of a brand, is an artform.

From welcome emails to account verification, shipping notifications, and marketing communications, writing emails calls for a balance of professionalism, creativity, and personalization from the subject line to the sign-off.

However, spending hours crafting your business emails is no longer necessary, thanks to the AI model, ChatGPT, designed by OpenAI. When used in combination with Mailer To Go (MTG), it can streamline your email process, making it efficient and hassle-free. 

In this post, we'll explore how ChatGPT can generate professional emails for you, based on a simple text prompt.

Whether you use the paid version, with its range of plugins accessible via the ChatGPT4 tab and popup window, or the free version (currently GPT 3.5), these prompts will work for you.

This guide will help you use artificial intelligence to generate text that's both grammatically correct and professional, streamline repetitive tasks, and revolutionize your email creation.

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Mastering the ChatGPT web interface for efficient communication

Understanding the interface of any new software is key to unlocking its full potential, and ChatGPT is no exception. The web interface of ChatGPT serves as your springboard into the realm of AI-assisted communication.

Designed with user experience in mind, the interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, offering users seamless access to the AI's capabilities.

One of the first things you'll notice about the interface is its emphasis on the input box. This box is where the magic happens. It's where you provide the prompt that drives the AI's response.

The importance of this space can't be overstated, as the effectiveness of any AI, including ChatGPT, largely hinges on the quality of the human prompts it receives.

chatgpt interface guide

The art of crafting effective prompts is akin to honing writing skills. It involves clear communication of what you need the AI to achieve, whether drafting a LinkedIn post, writing a job application, or crafting a response to an email.

Remember, the goal isn't to dictate every word of the AI's response but to guide it in the right direction. A well-framed prompt lets the AI know the context, the intended audience, and the desired tone of the message.

For example, if you want to write emails, start your prompt with "Compose an email to...". If you want to generate a response to a specific LinkedIn post, specify the context of the post in your prompt.

Should you want to draft a subject line for a job application, frame your prompt accordingly.

Another significant aspect of using the ChatGPT writer web interface is maintaining specificity in your prompts.

Let's say you're drafting a cold email to a potential client. You might want to initiate the prompt:

"Draft a professional cold email to a potential client expressing interest in their business and proposing a meeting." This tells the AI exactly what you want, resulting in a well-crafted cold email ready to be sent.

chatgpt cold email

These prompts can be easily adjusted to your language preferences, whether you're a German language user, Mandarin, Swahili, Afrikaans, or any other language—simply add "Respond in <language>" to the end of any prompt.

chatgpt cold email swahili

Write a welcome email with ChatGPT

Harnessing the AI writing assistant to draft a warm, welcoming email can significantly reduce the time and effort you would otherwise spend on these essential communications. 

With a well-formulated user prompt, you can efficiently generate a GPT response that embodies the voice and tone of your organization while also providing the necessary information to the new subscriber or customer.

How to prompt ChatGPT to write a welcome email

To prompt a welcome email, start by indicating the type of communication you wish to create, then provide a brief context.

This context could include information about the recipient (such as a new subscriber or a recent purchaser), the tone you want the email to embody (friendly, formal, etc.), and any key details to be included in the email.

Key details to include in the prompt

Key details that should be present in the prompt may include the recipient's role or relationship to the company (new subscriber, first-time purchaser, etc.), the purpose of the welcome email (thanking them for joining, inviting them to explore services, etc.), and the desired tone. 

This information will allow ChatGPT writer to craft an appropriate and effective email, creating the right first impression for your brand or organization.

Examples of successful prompts

Prompt 1

"ChatGPT, write a friendly and welcoming email for a new subscriber to our weekly newsletter. It should include thanks for subscribing, a brief overview of what they can expect from our newsletter, and encouragement to contact us with any questions."

chatgpt friendly welcome email

Prompt 2

"ChatGPT, please compose a professional welcome email for a new user registered for our premium software package. Include a thank you for choosing our service, information about how to get started, and offer customer support assistance if needed."

chatgpt professional welcome email

Write an account verification email with ChatGPT

Account verification emails are another area where Chat AI writing assistant can deliver high-quality responses, saving you time and ensuring security protocols are met. A well-crafted prompt will enable the AI to create concise, clear, and polite verification emails that prompt users to take the necessary actions.

How to prompt ChatGPT to write an account verification email

When prompting ChatGPT to write an account verification email, you need to be clear about the action the user needs to take if you wish to generate response copy that won't need a revision.

For example, you might include details such as a request to click a link to verify the account, information about what access or services they'll have post-verification, and a thank you for their registration.

Key details to include in the prompt

Key details to include in the prompt are the purpose of the email (account verification), the action the user needs to take (clicking on a link), what they gain after verification (access to certain services or content), and a friendly closing remark.

These details ensure the resulting email is comprehensive and directs the user.

Examples of successful prompts

Prompt 1

"ChatGPT, write an account verification email for a user who has just signed up for our digital magazine subscription. The email should request them to click a link to verify their account, inform them of full access to all our content after verification, and express gratitude for choosing us."

chatgpt verification email signup

Prompt 2

"ChatGPT writer, could you draft a clear account verification email for a new member of our online learning platform? The email needs to include a prompt for them to verify their account by clicking a link, detail the courses they will have access to after verification, and thank them for their registration."

chatgpt account verification new member

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Write a shipping notification email with ChatGPT

Shipping notification emails are vital in maintaining communication with customers after they've made a purchase. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help craft detailed and informative emails that update your customers on their orders' progress.

How to prompt ChatGPT to write a shipping notification email

Prompting the AI writing assistant to write a shipping notification email involves specifying the type of email you want to write, followed by details about the product, estimated delivery time, and an offer for further customer support if needed.

Key details to include in the prompt

Key details to include in your prompt are the product's details (what has been ordered), the dispatch status (if and when the product was shipped), the expected delivery time, tracking details, and a closing note offering further support if necessary.

Examples of successful prompts

Prompt 1

"ChatGPT, write a detailed shipping notification email for a customer who ordered a custom-made piece of furniture from our online store. Include details of the dispatch status, estimated delivery time, tracking details, and a note of thanks for their purchase."

chatgpt detailed shipping notification email

Prompt 2

"ChatGPT, please draft an informative shipping notification email for a customer who bought a limited edition vinyl from our music store. The email should include the dispatch status, tracking details, estimated delivery period, and a thank you note for their purchase."

chatgpt informative shipping notification

Writing marketing emails with ChatGPT

ChatGPT can be a game changer for marketing communications. From promotional content to new product announcements, this AI tool can help craft engaging marketing emails that resonate with your audience.

How to prompt ChatGPT to write marketing and promotional content

When prompting ChatGPT to write marketing content, include as much detail about the product or service, the target audience, the goal of the email (to inform, promote, or sell), and the tone of the message.

Key details to include in the prompt

Key details to include in the prompt should revolve around the product or service being marketed, the unique selling points (USPs), the target audience, and the action you want the recipient to take. This information helps the AI generate text that effectively communicates your marketing message.

Examples of successful prompts

Prompt 1

"ChatGPT, draft a marketing email promoting our upcoming spring collection to our subscribers. The email should highlight the unique designs and the use of sustainable materials and include a call-to-action for them to check out the new collection on our website."

chatgpt promotional email

Prompt 2

"ChatGPT, write an engaging marketing email announcing a new update to our popular mobile game to our user base. The email should discuss new features, the benefits of updating, and a call to action to download the update."

chatgpt engaging marketing email

The key to a successful interaction with ChatGPT lies in the details and specificity of your prompt. With careful crafting, you can unleash the full potential of this powerful AI tool.

Watch the following video by Anastasia Blogger, as she explains how to write all sorts of email with the help of ChatGPT.

Dos and don’ts when using ChatGPT for transactional emails

Leveraging AI NLP solutions for transactional messages and customer emails can revolutionize how you connect with your customers. However, to use it effectively, you should follow certain best practices and avoid common pitfalls.


  • Provide clear instructions: Clarity is key when interacting with ChatGPT. Be explicit about the purpose, context, and desired tone of the email in your prompt. The more specific you are, the better the model can generate relevant content.

  • Include key details: While keeping your instructions precise, don't forget to include the necessary details. For instance, if you want an account verification email, provide essential points like the business name, the user action required, and any other elements you want to be included.

  • Iterate and refine: Experiment with different prompts and styles. If the first generated response isn't what you're looking for, refine your instruction and try again.

  • Check for coherence: AI models can sometimes produce text that, while grammatically correct, may lack logical coherence. Always read through the generated content to ensure it's contextually accurate and makes sense.


  • Avoid vague instructions: While ChatGPT is designed to understand context, it performs best when given detailed prompts. A vague instruction may result in a general response that misses the specifics of what you need.

  • Don’t overuse jargon: While industry terms can be essential, overloading your prompts with technical language may complicate the communication and make the generated content less accessible to your audience.

  • Don’t neglect the personal touch: Remember, AI is a tool designed to aid human interaction, not replace it. Maintain a balance between automation and personalization. Review and tweak AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your brand voice and resonates with your audience.

  • Don't ignore privacy and compliance: Always ensure that the data you provide to ChatGPT respects user privacy norms and complies with all legal regulations. Do not use the AI model to generate content that might contravene these standards.

using chatgpt for email

In conclusion

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can significantly streamline your email creation process.

However, it's crucial to maintain your brand's human touch and ensure that your communications remain engaging and personal.

When creating transactional and marketing emails, you should further personalize them by adding images and other multimedia design features.

With a thoughtful blend of AI and human creativity, you can create effective transactional emails that truly connect with your audience.

Mailer To Go and ChatGPT writer are a powerful combination for managing transactional and marketing emails.

They provide an efficient way to communicate with customers and effortlessly produce professional, high-quality content. So, why not give it a try and take your email communication to new heights?

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Send all kinds of email from inside your apps with Mailer To Go’s simpler, faster, better email service.

Frequently asked questions

What is ChatGPT for email?

ChatGPT writer is an application of OpenAI's natural language model, ChatGPT, which can be used to assist in writing emails. It can generate writing suggestions, complete sentences, and even entire emails based on a simple prompt. It's a tool that can help streamline your email communication, particularly when it comes to transactional and routine emails.

How does ChatGPT for email work?

ChatGPT writer works by using advanced AI technology to generate entire emails and messages. You provide a simple prompt or a brief description of what you want to write, and ChatGPT will generate the content for you. It can help you put the right tone and format for your message, fix grammar mistakes, rephrase text, and even summarize text.

Can I use ChatGPT for email with other email service providers?

Yes, ChatGPT can be used with various email service providers. For instance, if you're using a transactional email service provider like Mailer To Go, you can write your emails with the help of ChatGPT and then send them using Mailer To Go.

How can I train ChatGPT to write my emails?

Training AI tools like ChatGPT to write your emails involves using the tool regularly and providing it with prompts that align with your writing style and the content you want to generate. Over time, the AI learns from your prompts and can generate content that closely matches your writing style.

Can ChatGPT help me write difficult emails at work?

Absolutely. ChatGPT writer can be an invaluable tool for writing difficult emails at work. You can prompt ChatGPT to write the email you want, and it will generate a professional and well-structured email based on your prompt. It can help you handle difficult situations with ease and professionalism.

Can ChatGPT write cold emails?

Yes, ChatGPT can be used to write cold emails. With a simple prompt, ChatGPT will generate writing suggestions, complete sentences, and even entire emails for you. It can help you craft the perfect cold email to increase your chances of getting a positive response.

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