
Expert guides on transactional and email marketing

Whether you're a marketer or a developer, Mailer To Go is your go-to source for all things email.
Email Automation Workflows For Stellar Transactional Email

Email Automation Workflows For Stellar Transactional Email

Discover the value of different types of email automation workflows. Explore how you can put them to work on engaging clients & boosting that ROI!
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Noah Edis
Noah Edis Contributing Technology Writer
E-blast vs. Segmentation: How To Smash Email In 2023

E-blast vs. Segmentation: How To Smash Email In 2023

E-blast marketing is still relevant in 2023—but you need to strike a balance. This guide will show you how you can balance e-blast emails against segmented messaging to boost your ROI.
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Noah Edis
Noah Edis Contributing Technology Writer
Reengagement Email & The Secret Of Customer Retention

Reengagement Email & The Secret Of Customer Retention

Reengagement email is the secret sauce of customer retention in 2023. Explore successful reengagement campaigns, types of reengagement emails, & more!
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Andrew Shassetz
Andrew Shassetz Contributing Technology Writer
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